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women laughing in open field

5 Signs You're Ready to Reclaim Your Wild Self (and Rock Your Coaching Business)

July 26, 20246 min read

5 Signs You're Ready to Reclaim Your Wild Self (and Rock Your Coaching Business)

So, you've dipped your toes into the coaching world, and now you're feeling that primal urge to break free from the "how-to" guides and cookie-cutter business plans. Sound familiar? If you're nodding along, it might be time to unleash your wild wisdom and let it supercharge your budding business. Let's dive into five tell-tale signs that you're ready to reclaim your wild self and become the powerhouse coach you're meant to be.

two female lions lurking in field

1. You're Craving Authentic Marketing

Remember when Don Miguel Ruiz said, "Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean"? If you're tired of crafting social media posts that feel more "influencer" than "you," it's a sign. You're ready to ditch the corporate-speak and infuse your marketing with your true voice.

When you're ready to reclaim your wild self, you'll feel an irresistible pull towards authenticity in your business communications. You'll want to align your brand message, content, and client interactions with your core values. It's not just about being honest with your audience – it's about building a business that truly reflects who you are.

Checklist for Authentic Marketing:

  • Does my content reflect my true personality and values?

  • Am I sharing stories and insights that genuinely resonate with me?

  • Do I feel energized and excited when creating marketing materials?

  • Are my client interactions authentic and true to who I am?

woman on laptop in kitchen

2. You're Questioning Your Business Model

"Is this really the way I want to serve my clients?" "Does this pricing structure align with my values?" If these questions are popping up more frequently, congratulations! You're awakening to your wild wisdom. As Clarissa Pinkola Estés writes in "Women Who Run With the Wolves," "The most important thing is to hold on, hold out, for your creative life, for your solitude, for your time to be and do, for your very life."

This questioning phase is crucial for your business development. It's your inner wild woman challenging the status quo, pushing you to create a business model that serves both you and your clients authentically. Embrace it! It's a sign you're ready to build a more resilient business mindset and chart your own course in the coaching industry.

Checklist for Questioning Your Business Model:

  • Does my current business model align with my personal values?

  • Am I serving my clients in a way that feels genuinely fulfilling?

  • Does my pricing reflect both my worth and my clients' needs?

  • Am I open to exploring innovative ways of structuring my business?

MacBook on desk with plants

3. You're Feeling a Creative Itch in Your Offerings

Is there a spark of creativity that just won't leave you alone? Maybe it's an idea for a unique coaching program, a podcast that breaks the mold, or even a complete pivot in your niche. That's your wild self-trying to break through and innovate!

Rekindling your creative spark is crucial for standing out in the crowded coaching market. As Estés reminds us, "The creative force flows over the terrain of our psyches looking for the natural hollows, the arroyos, the channels that exist in us. We become its tributaries, its basins; we are its pools, ponds, streams, and sanctuaries."

Let that creativity flow into your business offerings. Your wild wisdom might just lead you to create the next big thing in coaching!

Checklist for Creative Offerings:

  • Am I excited about my current coaching offerings?

  • Have I brainstormed new, innovative ways to serve my clients?

  • Am I allowing myself time and space for creative thinking?

  • Do my offerings reflect my unique approach and personality?

4. You're Drawn to Unconventional Business Practices

Find yourself daydreaming about hosting retreats in the forest instead of another Zoom call? Craving to incorporate elements of nature or intuitive practices into your coaching sessions? That's your wild self calling you to shake up the traditional coaching model.

Nature and unconventional methods have a way of stripping away the unnecessary and reconnecting us with our innate wisdom. If you're feeling this pull, it's a clear sign you're ready to reclaim your wild self and create a unique coaching experience that sets you apart from the crowd.

red rubber duckie standing out from all of the yellow rubber duckies

Checklist for Unconventional Business Practices:

  • Have I explored non-traditional coaching methods that resonate with me?

  • Am I open to incorporating elements of nature or intuition into my practice?

  • Do I feel constrained by "conventional" business wisdom?

  • Am I willing to try new approaches, even if they seem unconventional?

5. You're Ready to Take Aligned Action in Your Business

Last but not least, you know you're ready to reclaim your wild self when you feel an undeniable urge to take bold action in your business. Not just any action, mind you, but aligned action – steps that resonate deeply with your core values and true vision for your coaching practice.

As Ruiz says, "Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret."

Taking aligned action means honoring where you are in each moment of your entrepreneurial journey while consistently moving towards your authentic business goals. It's about building a coaching practice that reflects your wild wisdom, not someone else's blueprint for success.

One powerful aligned action you can take is joining the Wild Wisdom Mastermind*. This immersive experience is designed to help you tap into your innate wisdom, align your business with your true self, and connect with like-minded wild entrepreneurs. It's the perfect playground for unleashing your creativity, challenging conventional business norms, and crafting a coaching practice that's as unique as you are.

Checklist for Aligned Action:

  • Do my business decisions align with my core values and vision?

  • Am I taking steps that feel authentic and true to my wild self?

  • Have I considered joining the Wild Wisdom Mastermind for support and growth?

  • Am I willing to let go of actions that no longer serve my authentic business vision?

If you're nodding along, feeling seen and a little exposed, congratulations! You're ready to reclaim your wild self and let it transform your coaching business. It's time to break free from the "shoulds" and "musts" that have been holding you back and step into your full, glorious, untamed potential as a coach and entrepreneur.

Ready to dive deeper into this journey and learn how to weave your wild wisdom into every aspect of your business? I've got just the thing for you.

Download our free guide at excellencebydesign.us/gettheguide and take the first step towards unleashing your wild wisdom in your coaching practice. Your authentic, powerful entrepreneur self is waiting – are you ready to answer the call and create a business that's as unique and wild as you are?

*Registration opens Sept. 13 - 20, 2024 

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women laughing in open field

5 Signs You're Ready to Reclaim Your Wild Self (and Rock Your Coaching Business)

July 26, 20246 min read

5 Signs You're Ready to Reclaim Your Wild Self (and Rock Your Coaching Business)

So, you've dipped your toes into the coaching world, and now you're feeling that primal urge to break free from the "how-to" guides and cookie-cutter business plans. Sound familiar? If you're nodding along, it might be time to unleash your wild wisdom and let it supercharge your budding business. Let's dive into five tell-tale signs that you're ready to reclaim your wild self and become the powerhouse coach you're meant to be.

two female lions lurking in field

1. You're Craving Authentic Marketing

Remember when Don Miguel Ruiz said, "Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean"? If you're tired of crafting social media posts that feel more "influencer" than "you," it's a sign. You're ready to ditch the corporate-speak and infuse your marketing with your true voice.

When you're ready to reclaim your wild self, you'll feel an irresistible pull towards authenticity in your business communications. You'll want to align your brand message, content, and client interactions with your core values. It's not just about being honest with your audience – it's about building a business that truly reflects who you are.

Checklist for Authentic Marketing:

  • Does my content reflect my true personality and values?

  • Am I sharing stories and insights that genuinely resonate with me?

  • Do I feel energized and excited when creating marketing materials?

  • Are my client interactions authentic and true to who I am?

woman on laptop in kitchen

2. You're Questioning Your Business Model

"Is this really the way I want to serve my clients?" "Does this pricing structure align with my values?" If these questions are popping up more frequently, congratulations! You're awakening to your wild wisdom. As Clarissa Pinkola Estés writes in "Women Who Run With the Wolves," "The most important thing is to hold on, hold out, for your creative life, for your solitude, for your time to be and do, for your very life."

This questioning phase is crucial for your business development. It's your inner wild woman challenging the status quo, pushing you to create a business model that serves both you and your clients authentically. Embrace it! It's a sign you're ready to build a more resilient business mindset and chart your own course in the coaching industry.

Checklist for Questioning Your Business Model:

  • Does my current business model align with my personal values?

  • Am I serving my clients in a way that feels genuinely fulfilling?

  • Does my pricing reflect both my worth and my clients' needs?

  • Am I open to exploring innovative ways of structuring my business?

MacBook on desk with plants

3. You're Feeling a Creative Itch in Your Offerings

Is there a spark of creativity that just won't leave you alone? Maybe it's an idea for a unique coaching program, a podcast that breaks the mold, or even a complete pivot in your niche. That's your wild self-trying to break through and innovate!

Rekindling your creative spark is crucial for standing out in the crowded coaching market. As Estés reminds us, "The creative force flows over the terrain of our psyches looking for the natural hollows, the arroyos, the channels that exist in us. We become its tributaries, its basins; we are its pools, ponds, streams, and sanctuaries."

Let that creativity flow into your business offerings. Your wild wisdom might just lead you to create the next big thing in coaching!

Checklist for Creative Offerings:

  • Am I excited about my current coaching offerings?

  • Have I brainstormed new, innovative ways to serve my clients?

  • Am I allowing myself time and space for creative thinking?

  • Do my offerings reflect my unique approach and personality?

4. You're Drawn to Unconventional Business Practices

Find yourself daydreaming about hosting retreats in the forest instead of another Zoom call? Craving to incorporate elements of nature or intuitive practices into your coaching sessions? That's your wild self calling you to shake up the traditional coaching model.

Nature and unconventional methods have a way of stripping away the unnecessary and reconnecting us with our innate wisdom. If you're feeling this pull, it's a clear sign you're ready to reclaim your wild self and create a unique coaching experience that sets you apart from the crowd.

red rubber duckie standing out from all of the yellow rubber duckies

Checklist for Unconventional Business Practices:

  • Have I explored non-traditional coaching methods that resonate with me?

  • Am I open to incorporating elements of nature or intuition into my practice?

  • Do I feel constrained by "conventional" business wisdom?

  • Am I willing to try new approaches, even if they seem unconventional?

5. You're Ready to Take Aligned Action in Your Business

Last but not least, you know you're ready to reclaim your wild self when you feel an undeniable urge to take bold action in your business. Not just any action, mind you, but aligned action – steps that resonate deeply with your core values and true vision for your coaching practice.

As Ruiz says, "Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret."

Taking aligned action means honoring where you are in each moment of your entrepreneurial journey while consistently moving towards your authentic business goals. It's about building a coaching practice that reflects your wild wisdom, not someone else's blueprint for success.

One powerful aligned action you can take is joining the Wild Wisdom Mastermind*. This immersive experience is designed to help you tap into your innate wisdom, align your business with your true self, and connect with like-minded wild entrepreneurs. It's the perfect playground for unleashing your creativity, challenging conventional business norms, and crafting a coaching practice that's as unique as you are.

Checklist for Aligned Action:

  • Do my business decisions align with my core values and vision?

  • Am I taking steps that feel authentic and true to my wild self?

  • Have I considered joining the Wild Wisdom Mastermind for support and growth?

  • Am I willing to let go of actions that no longer serve my authentic business vision?

If you're nodding along, feeling seen and a little exposed, congratulations! You're ready to reclaim your wild self and let it transform your coaching business. It's time to break free from the "shoulds" and "musts" that have been holding you back and step into your full, glorious, untamed potential as a coach and entrepreneur.

Ready to dive deeper into this journey and learn how to weave your wild wisdom into every aspect of your business? I've got just the thing for you.

Download our free guide at excellencebydesign.us/gettheguide and take the first step towards unleashing your wild wisdom in your coaching practice. Your authentic, powerful entrepreneur self is waiting – are you ready to answer the call and create a business that's as unique and wild as you are?

*Registration opens Sept. 13 - 20, 2024 

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