Excellence By Design Academy

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“Growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you want to be.”

-John C. Maxwell

"The greatest courageous act that we must all do is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams." ~ Oprah Winfrey

Do you ever feel like you are doing all the ‘right’ things and not seeing the results?

Og Mandino says that “It is those who concentrate on the one thing at a time who advance in the world.”

What are you concentrating on?

We need focus and we need to focus on the right things.

There is no magic formula, however there is a formula.

It's taken alot of trying to get things right, I finally got it...

The gift lies in the journey.

The best gift that a business owner can give their business is the best version of themselves.

And I want to share what I am learning with you.

We talk about all thing's leadership, business, and personal development. We may even throw in a lil’ tech tool help here and there too!

~ Coach Dezi

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5 Real-Deal Leadership Lessons I've Learned from Being a Single Parent

December 03, 20233 min read

“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.”

- John C. Maxwell

Hey there! Today, I'm taking a bit of a personal turn on the blog. As a single parent, I've had my fair share of chaos, coffee, and late-night worries. But, you know what? It's also taught me some pretty incredible things about leadership.

Single Parenting & Leadership

Let's dive into these lessons, which are as real as it gets, and see how they translate into our world of entrepreneurship and personal growth.

1. Juggling Like a Pro

 First up, multitasking. If you're a single parent, you're basically the CEO of your household. You're balancing budgets, fixing scraped knees, and sometimes, helping with math homework that looks like a foreign language (can anyone say COMMON CORE?!?) . In business, it's not much different. We're constantly switching hats, managing deadlines, and trying to keep our cool. It’s all about prioritizing and keeping the main thing, the main thing.

2. Emotional Intelligence is My Superpower

Reading the room? More like reading a middle-schooler who's on the brink of a meltdown because of some dramatic event that happened in their group of friends and flipping through attitudes faster than the speed of sound. Single parenting has turned me into an emotional ninja. I can sense a mood shift from a mile away, and it’s a game-changer in the boardroom. Understanding what your team needs, sometimes before they do, is key to creating that vibe where everyone feels seen and heard.

3. Bouncing Back Like a Boss

Resilience? Check. Single parents have this on lock. Why? Because it's a have to not a want to. We’ve seen tough times, heartaches, and have powered through when we thought we couldn’t. In our businesses, this means when things don’t go as planned (and let's be real, when do they ever?), we don’t crumble. We adapt, learn, and come back stronger. It’s about finding that silver lining and rolling with the punches.

4. Decision-Making on the Fly

school supplies

As a single parent, sometimes you've got to make big calls solo – and fast. Whether it’s a health scare or a last-minute school project, you learn to trust your gut. In the entrepreneurial world, it’s much the same. Quick, confident decisions can be the difference between a missed opportunity and a major win. And hey, sometimes you just have to go with your gut and hope for the best.

5. Cheerleader-in-Chief

Last but definitely not least, single parents are the ultimate cheerleaders. From celebrating that first bike ride without training wheels to those small wins on a Tuesday, we’re there with the high-fives and happy dances. In business, being the one who lifts others up, recognizes hard work, and keeps spirits high is what leadership’s all about. It's amazing what a little encouragement and belief in someone can do.

Wrapping it up

So, there you have it – leadership lessons from the school of single parenting. It’s messy, challenging, but oh so rewarding. And you know what? It’s these real, everyday experiences that make us better leaders, better entrepreneurs, and honestly, better people.

Here at EBD Collective Coaching & Consulting, we're all about embracing the journey, learning from our experiences, and sharing those lessons with others. Whether you're a single parent, juggling a side hustle, or just trying to figure it all out – know that your experiences are shaping you into an incredible leader. Keep pushing, keep growing, and let’s keep sharing these stories!

See you in the next post!

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Desiree Foster-Collins

Hi I'm Coach Dezi aka The #CreativeTechWhisperer. I'm a Business Coach & Mentor to women entrepreneurs. I'm a Certified Leadership Development Trainer, Six Sigma Green Belt & Human Behavior Consultant focused on helping women entrepreneurs & small business owners with building people, process & systems for their businesses. I love God, my 2 amazing kids and all things creative, business and tech.

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About Coach Dezi

Desiree Foster-Collins is the Founder of EBD
Collective Coaching & Consulting. She is a Maxwell Leadership Executive Program Team Member and a Certified Human Behavioral Consultant.

"You can have it all. Just not all at once." - Oprah Winfrey

This is the space where I share my thoughts, my wins, my learns and all things in-between on leading and growing my business.

I also share the parts that others won't - the hard parts of being the woman I desire to be and living out my purpose of helping you to grow your business and change lives. It starts and stops with you!

I'm a Mom to two amazing creative human beings. I love all things leadership, creativity, techy, travel and really good food.

I am a woman of faith and I will share about that too!

Thanks for being here!